In Memory of Michael E. Hale

Michael E. Hale

This page is dedicated to preserving the memories of SFL Co-founder, our friend Mickey, initiator of Systems For Living commitments and dedication to community and the environment. May SFL share with the world the many ways Mickey inspired us. 

SFL meant a lot to him.

Thanks for your remarkable work over these 13 years Mickey, may our children inherit the world you wished upon them, your legacy shall remain FOREVER.

Michael Edward Hale was an active environmentalist. MEH studied under Ralph Rapson and attended two schools of Architecture between 1971 and 1982. In his freshman year he enrolled at Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana and from 1972 to 1982 at the U of M while working as a residential designer during that period outside the University system. He graduated at the UofM with a B.Arch five year professional degree and worked for a variety of architectural firms after receiving his architectural license in 1987. He was in his 12th year as an active for the community and as a co-founder of Systems For Living. 

About us

Systems For Living is formed combining a wealth of professional knowledge of both the volume and quality of 5 people cumulative experiences. In the group not only converge what seems to be today’s architectural debate such as environmental protection and green architecture, but also merge knowledge, perspectives, and tools from diverse fields to generate appropriate interdisciplinary approach to comply with the principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability. Through over a decade of collaborative activities and civic actions, SFL reflects a tradition of creativity in finding new formats of artistic expression with a commitment to contemporary architecture not separated from responsibility, attention and sensitivity to local, cultural, and natural forces.

Roberto F. Cicero

Roberto Francesco Cicero

Roberto Francesco Cicero is  an Architect, an author and an active environmentalist and the current president of Systems For Living. RFC studied under Italian architect Maurizio Sacripanti at the University of Rome-Italy, attended a school of Design and the ASMIT Advanced program for managing innovations and technologies. He graduated with a B. Architecture degree and received European Architect License in 1983. RFC is two times recipient of an European Regional Architectural Award with a portfolio of work going back over 30 years and spanning across 3 continents. His work has been exhibited extensively in major Italian Museums and prominent Galleries both in Italy and in the US: Palazzo Orsini di Bomarzo museum, Palazzo Baleani in Rome, Art gallery Dafne, Galleria Visiva, La Diagonale, Franconia sculpture Gallery in Minneapolis-Minnesota and Tramer Interiors Miami-Florida.

RCF’ 4th book “From Palladio to the Plunder of Baghdad”  published with La Caravella editrice has received the “Marchio Microeditoria di qualità 2023 – Premio Microeditoria di qualità. He is in his eleventh year of commitment to community through civic action as co-founder of Systems For Living.

Massimo Minutello

Massimo Minutello

Massimo Minutello is an Architect and a painter whose professional expertise extends beyond traditional comprehensive architectural services into areas of engineering and sustainable design to address 3rd millenium changing environments. MM has studied at the University of Rome – Italy and attended a school of Art and an Advanced program of restoration and conservation for managing historic cultural resources. 

MM is recipient of 2 European Regional Architectural Awards with a high profile portfolio of work for international clientele and public parties ranging from Architectural design, Naval interior design for cruise ships and Interior design for both residential and commercial projects.